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10.0 years ago
I have a list of lists object in R structured like follows:
$`UniqueSpecies Name`
name rank id
1 cellular organisms no rank 131567
2 Eukaryota superkingdom 2759
3 Opisthokonta no rank 33154
4 Metazoa kingdom 33208
5 Porifera phylum 6040
6 Demospongiae class 6042
7 Haplosclerida order 6049
8 Niphatidae family 178475
9 Amphimedon genus 178513
10 Amphimedon queenslandica species 400682
There are 127 Lists in the object.
I want to create a table like this:
Colnames = Species (a list with species names)
Each column will be column 1 of the above list i.e.
for(speciesName in BigList){
coliwant <- speciesName[1]
It would look something like this:
Species1 Species2 Species 3
rName1 coliwant1 coliwant2 coliwant3
rName2 coliwant1 coliwant2 coliwant3
rName3 coliwant1 coliwant2 coliwant3
I can create an empty data frame with 127 col names, but not sure how to add each list as a column.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
This returns a list. One thing I have just noticed is that each of the lists contain different number of rows.
I have done the following an got something more or less that I wanted:
Personally, I'd only keep the data from $name that corresponds to one of the Linnaean ranks that are present in all of your species:
But that still looks like it will fail for things like 'no rank' where there may be multiple entries in a given sp.list