I have illumina paired-end reads from three samples. All reads were assembled by trinity to get a TranscriptME which I used as a reference for mapping.
I mapped the three sample paired-end reads separately on TranscriptME using Bowtie2. As a result I have three outputs of SAM file. I am trying to get the number of reads mapped to each contigs (transcripts) of the TranscriptME. I found one script called countxpression.py
and ran on the SAM file. The script is downloaded from here. I did not manipulate those SAM files. They are directly used as input for the script. (./countxpression.py 20 92 output.txt xxxx.sam
It gave me the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "countxpression.py", line 154, in <module>
countxpression(file, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], 0, 'text', file[:-4]+'_counts.txt', sys.argv[3])
File "countxpression.py", line 61, in countxpression
if float(cols[columntocount].split(':')[2]) > 1: # for reads with >1 optimal hit
IndexError: list index out of range
Is there another way to get the counts from sam file? I tried eXpress and it worked well. But I am not sure if I can use it for further expression analysis as it is.
Thank you very!
Devon makes some good points. But if you DO want to directly count read hits to transcripts, I recommend my pileup tool, as it's super fast and easy to use: