Dear community,
Good day.
I received a set of paired-end HiSeq2000 reads (Illumina 1.9) which was generated in 2012 from my colleague . The length of reads is 150 bases in both directions.
The reads contain TruSeq adapter sequences, thus, I trimmed them with cutadapt tool. After that, I checked the reads with FastQC. The adapter sequences were successfully trimmed according to FastQC report.
Question is, many reads still in 150 bases long. These reads seem fishy to me. Does anyone has this experience before?
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
KJ Lim
Ido Tamir, the read length seems fishy and as you said there is no official 150 bases HiSeq sequencing.
I maybe wrong on this, thus, I would to learn from community experiences. Thanks for your replied.
We sequence 150bp on HiSeq almost exclusively, and were doing so in 2012.
Brian Bushnell thanks for sharing your experience.