Github repository:
From the Github README:
Luigi's monkey wrench is a small library (50 LOC exactly, as of Feb 12) that intends to make writing Luigi workflows that use a lot of shell commands (which is common e.g. in bioinformatics) a tad easier by allowing to define workflow tasks with a simple shell command pattern, and dependencies by using a simple single-assignment patter for specifying how tasks inputs depend on each other's outputs, like so:
import luigi
from luigis_monkey_wrench import *
class MyWorkFlow(WorkflowTask):
def requires(self):
# Create some tasks
hejer = shell('echo hej > <o:hejfile:hej.txt>')
fooer = shell('cat <i:hejfile> | sed "s/hej/foo/g" > <o:foofile:<i:hejfile:.txt|.foo>>')
# Connect them together
fooer.inports['hejfile'] = hejer.outport('hejfile')
# Return the last one in the chain
return fooer
# Make this a runnable script, and leave control to luigi
if __name__ == '__main__':
Short and neat, ain't it?
But let's go though this example in a bit more detail, to see what we are really doing:
import luigi
from luigis_monkey_wrench import *
# Yes, we write the workflow definition inside a normal luigi task ...
class MyWorkFlow(WorkflowTask):
# ... and do this by setting up the dependency graph and (letting the workflow
# task depend on it, by) returning the last task in the dependecy graph in the
# workflow task's requires() function:
def requires(self):
# Create tasks by initializing ShellTasks, and giving
# the shell tasks to execute to the cmd parameter.
# File names are given in a this special form (including <>):
# Output file names can also include the filename of an input:
# <o:some_output:<i:some_input>.some_extension>
# One can also just replace the extension, or ending, of the input
# filename, in the output file name, using the following syntax:
# E.g, to create <filename>.csv as output from <filename>.txt, we do:
# <o:some_output:<i:some_input:.txt|.csv>>
hejer = shell('echo hej > <o:hejfile:hej.txt>')
fooer = shell('cat <i:hejfile> | sed "s/hej/foo/g" > <o:foofile:<i:hejfile:.txt|.foo>>')
# Define the workflow "dependency graph" by telling how outputs
# from tasks are re-used in inputs of other tasks
fooer.inports['hejfile'] = hejer.outport('hejfile')
# Return the last task in the workflow
return fooer
# We finally make this file into an executable python file, and let luigi take of the running
# which will, among many other cool things, mean that we get a nice command line interface
# generated for us:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now run this (as usual with luigi tasks) like this:
python --local-scheduler MyWorkFlow
Quick start
Install the dependencies, luigi (and optionally tornado):
pip install luigi
pip install tornado
Clone this git repo to somewhere:
mkdir testlmw
cd testlmw
git clone .
Run the example script (or one that you have already)
python --local-scheduler MyWorkFlow
Current Status: Experimental
Use on your own risk only!
A "Real-World" NGS Bioinformatics code example
What would be the advantage of using this over, say, a GNU makefile-based graph or pipeline?
A few things we noted:
Btw, I posted a little bit about the background to creating this helper lib (furiously trying to jot down NGS bioinformatics tasks in any workflow tool that would do the job ... tried snakemake and vanilla luigi to no avail), in the luigi user group: