Can you post which affy chip you are using? Most microarrays map multiple probes to each gene. I am pretty sure S. aureus does not have more than 7000 genes.
Have you already successfully map all your probeID to the corresponding gene name? I am also currently working on a set of microarray data for S. aureus. The microarray was performed using the S. aureus GeneChip Genome Array. I normalized my CEL file data using Expression Console and annotated the probe using TAC (S. aureus annotation file from Affymetrix containing 700 odds gene). However, I found that about 50% of the probe ID did not have a corresponding gene symbol/gene name.
If you have done yours, could you please share how to map all the probe ID to a gene name?
Can you post which affy chip you are using? Most microarrays map multiple probes to each gene. I am pretty sure S. aureus does not have more than 7000 genes.
Take for example GSM135454.CEL.
How can I realize which probeIDs correspond to a specific gene?