I would like to simulate the dna-seq paired end data with common sequencing errors and snps (diploid organism).
But I do not want to do it on entire fasta file. I have already generated the fragments (300-500bp) using certain protocol. Now I want to generate paired end data from a set of fragments i.e read the fragment from both the ends and include error profile and SNPs so that I can validate the SNP caller I'm interested in.
I would like to know if there is any easier way to do it. Otherwise I need to spend lot of time in writing it from scratch.
Yeah. I have fasta file with fragments as short contains. I thought if I use any simulator, they again try to randomly fragment my contigs and generate fragments. I just want to skip that step.
I will check the amplicon module. Thanks.
Hi, unfortunately ART does not simulate SNPs. Its just a sequence data simulator.
@Dan D I am not able to simulate 300 bp illumina paired end reads using ART
Look into
from BBMap suite. It should be flexible and can simulate SNP, errors etc.