I was given a file that the user said was a .bed file at it is formatted as follows:
chr1 17000 17200 10.1134
chr1 17200 17400 10.1134
chr1 17400 17600 10.1134
chr1 17600 17800 0
chr1 17800 18000 7.58506
chr1 18000 18200 12.6418
chr1 18200 18400 20.2268
chr1 18400 18600 5.05671
chr1 18600 18800 5.05671
chr1 18800 19000 7.58506
chr1 19000 19200 0
chr1 19200 19400 12.6418
The user wants to import it into Broad Institute's Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) but I'm having issues importing the file. Can someone explain what the issue may be? Thank you.
@DanD, it's actually tab-delimited. I had a formatting issue while transferring from excel file. Fourth column is a normalized value that my lab is developing.
That might be the key to the problem. Make sure you are using newline character as record delimiter, not carriage return (as in MacOS) or newline+carriage return (as in Windows).