Hi everyone
I want to obtain a bed file from a blast result to as annotation to use in a bedtool and use multicov in order to obtain the count mapping of multiples bam files. I really appeciate you help
Hi everyone
I want to obtain a bed file from a blast result to as annotation to use in a bedtool and use multicov in order to obtain the count mapping of multiples bam files. I really appeciate you help
So you got the alignment. A classic tabular format with fields:
Query_id Subject_id, %_identity, aln_length, mismatches, gap_open, q.start, q.end, s.start, s.end, e-value, bit_score
Now a typical bed file usually contains the following columns:
chr chr_start chr_end label_name score strand thick_start thick_end item_rgb
I am going to assume that you only need the first four, right? I am also going to assume that everything is being mapped on chr1 since I don't have this information. so in order create such a bed file all you need to do is run the following command under unix :
perl -lne '/^(.*?)\t.*?\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/; print "chr1\t$2\t$3\t$1"' blast.in > bed.out
oh sorry + and - strands (do you need that information too ??)
perl -lne '/^(.*?)\t.*?\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/; print "chr1\t". ($2>$3?$3:$2) . "\t".($2>$3?$2:$3)."\t$1"' blast.in > bed.out
Thanks a lot!
I run the line that you sent me
perl -lne '/^(.*?)\t.*?\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)$/; print "chr21\t$2\t$3\t$1"' blast.in > bed.out
and they give out a bed file:
chr21 25573983 25574005 hsa-miR-155-5p
chr21 13841710 13841688 hsa-miR-574-5p
chr21 35720732 35720754 hsa-miR-802
chr21 15693223 15693245 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 18686157 18686135 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 21601503 21601481 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 24836101 24836123 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 26470188 26470210 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 35552367 35552389 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 35552428 35552406 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 45760015 45760037 hsa-miR-548g-5p
chr21 17891745 17891723 hsa-miR-548h-3p
chr21 19650252 19650274 hsa-miR-548h-3p
chr21 24946891 24946913 hsa-miR-548h-3p
Then I use that bed file to use a multicov in bedtools in order to know the count of alignments from multiple position-sorted and indexed BAM files that overlap, and give me a message like this
[mgadrianam@deneb mapping]$ bedtools multicov -bams
SRR1054203.segemehl.sorted.bam SRR1054204.segemehl.sam.bam.sorted.bam
SRR1054207.segemehl.sam.bam.sorted.bam -bed
chr21 25573983 25574005 hsa-miR-155-5p 0 0
0 0 0
Error: malformed BED entry at line 2. Start was greater than end. Exiting.
Could you please help me to fix the output, thanks you very much,
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related: How To Convert Blast Results To Gff
Share some of your blast output and I'm sure people here will be able to help.
Thanks you very much for your answers.
This is one of the blast output that I need to convert in bed file. I am grateful for your help