I have always used the online service of pBlast and now I am a bit confused since I want to use its standalone version. My aim is to blast a protein fasta sequence against PDB and save all the pdb codes of the resulted proteins. I am confused which files I do require from (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/) and what commands I need to use(My platform is Windows). I would be thankful if you can guide me on this.
I have read the available documents but wasn't able to get what I want.
Thanks for you help in advance.
for database creation with NCBI BLAST+Thanks for you help. I am using Blast+ version blast-2.2.25+ and the new package has makeblastdb instead of formatdb. when I run the command:
makeblastdb -in pdb_seqres.txt -out testdb -dbtype prot
I get the Error: Unable to open input pdb_seqres.txt as either FASTA file or BLAST db
Do you have any idea how I can solve it?
I have made it work the problem is that I have to take pdb_seqres.txt under the blast-2.2.25+ directory in order for it to work. makeblastdb -in pdb_seqres.txt I only used this command to get the new database.