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9.7 years ago
I would like to use lumi package for normalize to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE31699
I read csv file and get a matrix file. I tried to use the steps in http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/lumi/inst/doc/lumi.pdf but it doesn't work.
My questions:
- How can I normalize to the my matrix file?
- What should I do for using this package?
Thanks in advance
Is there supposed to be a question here?
Edit: Ah, there's a question now, great!
Why do you want to normalize the matrix file ? Its already normalized -
"The data was preprocessed by Bioconductor lumi package (version 2.5.5). It was vst transformed and quantile normalized."
Thank you very much for your information. I am very new about bioinformatics and R so these knowledge is very helpful for me.
I look at there its useful for expression data analysis and I check my matrix and your saying data is not same. it is for just 1 sample but I have 36 samples. I have raw data matrix both methylation data and expression data so I have to normalized. actually doesn't matter be which packet lumi or others. I just want to normalized these matrix and than according to distribution (normal- non normal) I will use parametric tests. I will be most grateful, if you could help me.