I've produced a list of CNV(copy number variation) data like below:
chr10 10271614 10659796 DEL
chr10 107242905 107243436 DEL
chr10 107940570 107941687 DEL
chr10 108020235 108022638 DEL
chr10 111562017 111568300 DEL
chr10 116956782 117389734 DEL
chr10 117005207 117396827 DEL
Just wondering if we have any VISUALIZATION software (say to visualize them on genome browser) so that I can check if my CNVs are overlapped?
Pre-visualization, you could also use BEDTools mergeBed, something like:
mergeBed -n -i cnvs.bed > cnvs.overlap-counts.bed
where cnvs.bed is your CNV file and the final column in the output file
will like the number of overlaps. So, you could get regions with more than a single CNV as:
Exactly. Select a color that is different from that used by the UCSC browser for other/known CNVs.
+1 good idea to check against known CNVs.
thanks a lot! cannot say enough thanks to you guys! always help me a lot