I have some BAM files I've read into R as a GRanges object using readBamGappedAlignments()
I have done the same in order to make an annotated genome, GRanges object using makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(), followed by transcriptsBy().
I can use countOverlaps, I want to plot my reads in the bamfile against the genome, and visualise it, as well as zooming in on different genes something like:
GENE :---------------------------->
But preferably with more detail :)
Is there a "canned" way to . I have heard of a way to do it using GenomeGraphs, but the examples are for array data.
Apologies if this isn't the best arena for proposing this question! I appreciate it is quite specific. Thanks for your time.
ggbio in the 'devel' branch (due for release next week) might be good here.
Fairness in answering, I am one of the authors of SRAdb.
Thanks, I am looking into it, I notice an example in the vignette I'm going to see if I can bend it to my needs :)
wow! rtracklayer looks pretty useful. I just read the vignette, but, to view local bed files in UCSC, it uploads them to a session? cool. and pretty powerful in combination with SRAdb.
Cheers Martin, this looks potentially really good. Waiting for official R 2.14 release...