Dear all,
I am trying to run bmr calc-covg. But when I use the following command, I receive an error.
genome music bmr calc-covg --bam-list=/music/bam_list --output-dir=/music/ --reference-sequence=/human_g1k_v37.fasta --roi-file=/music/roi.tsv
Usage: calcRoiCovg <bam1> <bam2> <roi_file> <ref_seq_fasta> <output_file> [min_depth_bam1 min_depth_bam2 min_mapq]
Defaults: min_depth_bam1 = 6, min_depth_bam2 = 8, min_mapq = 20
NOTE: ROI file *must* be sorted by chromosome/contig names
Failed to execute: calcRoiCovg /music/normal.bam /music/tumor.bam /music/all_coding_exons.tsv /human_g1k_v37.fasta /music/roi_covgs/TCGA-88824362.covg 6 8 20
Failed to execute: 'gmt music bmr calc-covg-helper --normal-tumor-bam-pair "TCGA-88824362 /music/normal.bam /music/tumor.bam" --roi-file "/music/all_coding_exons.tsv" --reference-sequence "/human_g1k_v37.fasta" --output-file "/music/roi_covgs/TCGA-88824362.covg"'
I don't really know what's causing the error, so I'm not sure where to start looking for problems. Do any of you know what could be happening? I already ensured that all files (bam-files, MAF-file, reference, regions of interest) have the same chromosome naming conventions.
Thanks a lot
I'm trying to run bmr calc-covg and got an warning message:
I checked my ROI file to make sure the format is fine. ROI file looks like this:
I also changed the fasta file so that the sequence header match the chr name in ROI
What could be the reason for the error?