I have a long list of sequences and I want to convert this list to a fasta file. How do I add > and a unique identifier to each line?
I have a long list of sequences and I want to convert this list to a fasta file. How do I add > and a unique identifier to each line?
Awk is a possibility. Assuming one sequence per line in a file called sequencefile.txt:
awk '{print ">" NR; print $0}' sequencefile.txt
NR is the line number, so it will be unique relative to the sequences in sequencefile.txt.
With Biopieces www.biopieces.org) you do:
read_tab -i in.tab -k SEQ | add_ident -k SEQ_NAME | write_fasta -o out.fasta -x
More info here: add_ident
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"assuming" is the grandma' of Satan :o)
worked great, thanks!