I want to get the position information of drosophila Chromosome Centromere.The information includes chrom, chromStart, chromEnd.
I want to get the position information of drosophila Chromosome Centromere.The information includes chrom, chromStart, chromEnd.
Via: http://flybase.org/static_pages/docs/nomenclature/nomenclature3.html#5.3.
5.3. Centromeres and centric heterochromatin. Centromeres are designated as ncen, where n indicates the chromosome, i.e.,1cen, Ycen, 2cen, 3cen and 4cen.
5.3.1. Centric heterochromatic blocks will be indicated as hn, where n is a consecutive number.
5.4. Composite chromosome architecture. The designations of the chromosomes, including polytene band ranges, heterochromatic blocks and centromeres are:
YLt h1 -- h17 Ycen h18 -- h25 YSt
1Lt 1A1 -- 20F4 h26 -- h32 1cen h33 -- h34 1Rt
2Lt 21A1 -- 40F7 h35 -- h37 h38L 2cen h38R h39 -- h46 41A1 -- 60F5 2Rt
3Lt 61A1 --- 80F9 h47 -- h52 h53L 3cen h53R h54 -- h58 81F1 -- 100F5 3Rt
4Lt h59 -- h61 4cen 101F1 -- 102F8 4Rt
This suggests the positioning of the centromere on chromosome 4 for dm6
, for instance, is before band 101F1
$ curl -s "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/dm6/database/cytoBand.txt.gz" | gunzip -c | grep -w 101F1 -B 5 -A 5
chr3R 31737834 31837725 100D2 n/a
chr3R 31837725 31877583 100D3 n/a
chr3R 31877583 31917440 100D4 n/a
chr3R 31917440 32005374 100E1 n/a
chr3R 32005374 32033274 100E2 n/a
chr4 49042 69508 101F1 n/a
chr4 69508 108296 102A1 n/a
chr4 108296 110283 102A2 n/a
chr4 110283 134526 102A3 n/a
chr4 134526 173313 102A4 n/a
chr4 173313 175300 102A5 n/a
Or somewhere before the region chr4:49042-69508
but downstream of the heterochromatic block h61
(wherever that is).
This seems to line up qualitatively with what chromosome map images show, e.g.:
Interesting question. I wonder if someone who is skilled with Drosophila might know if there's a data source with more specific details.
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I have tried
but it didn't show any results. I also tried http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables
Just choose All Tables -> table:gap
centromeres are treated as a gap "type". The result is different from human genome, the type of the reads are contig not centromere.
Lastly I tried the third method,it showed the message as follows: