Make sure you have installed Python.
Save the following code in the
import argparse
from itertools import groupby
import re
usage = """%(prog)s reads .domtblout file and returns non-overlapped (or
specified percent of overlapping) domains below given e-value.
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage)
p.add_argument("-f", "--f", "-file", "--file", dest="file",
help=".domtblout file")
p.add_argument("-e", "--e", "--evalue", "-evalue", type=float, dest="evalue",
help="E-value cut-off", default=1e-05)
p.add_argument("-o", "--o", "--overlap", "-overlap", type=int, dest="overlap",
help="overlap cut-off (percent)", default=40)
args = p.parse_args()
fh = open(args.file)
oh = open(args.file + '.out', 'w')
grouper = lambda x: re.split('\s+', x)[3] if not x.startswith('#') else x[0]
# Iterate through proteins.
for k, g in groupby(fh, grouper):
if k.startswith('#'): continue # Skip header and footer of a domtblout file.
l = []
for line in g:
sl = re.split('\s+', line)
pid = sl[3]
dname = sl[0]
did = sl[1]
dstart = int(sl[17])
dend = int(sl[18])
evalue = float(sl[12])
if evalue <= args.evalue:
l.append([dname, did, dstart, dend, evalue])
# Filter domains by a given E-value and overlapping cut-off.
filtered = []
l.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
for I in range(0, len(l)):
if i:
dom1len = l[i][3] - l[i][2]
dom2len = l[i-1][3] - l[i-1][2]
domlen = sorted([dom1len, dom2len])[0]
overlap = l[i-1][3] - l[i][2]
if overlap/domlen*100 >= args.overlap:
# Save domains to a file.
filtered.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
for d in filtered:
oh.write('{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\n'.format(pid, *d))
Run the script from the command line as follows:
python --file yourfile.domtblout --evalue 1e-05 --overlap 40
The tab-delimited output containing filtered domains will be saved in yourtfile.domtblout.out
. It will look like this:
I recommend to use E-value threshold of 1e-05, as it is a standard cut-off in the Pfam database.
What kind of an output you would like to get from this summary?