How to plot heatmap with multiple categories in a single cell with ggplot2? Heatmap plot of categorical variables could be done with this code
datf <- data.frame(indv=factor(paste("ID", 1:20),
levels =rev(paste("ID", 1:20))), matrix(sample(LETTERS[1:7], 400, T), ncol = 20))
# converting data to long form for ggplot2 use
datf1 <- melt(datf, id.var = 'indv')
ggplot(datf1, aes(variable, indv)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value),
colour = "white") + scale_fill_manual(values= rainbow (7))
The codes came from here:
But what about multiple categories in a single cell like this? Is it possible to use triangle or other shape as a cell?
It interesting task does anybody figure out how to do it ????