I am trying to compare few models for evoultionary distance calculation. I want to compare just those basic ones - Jukes-Cantor, K2P, Tamura, Tamura-Nei, HKY(Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano), GTR (general time reversible = Tavare) and Falsenstein81. I have already found equations for evolutionary distance calculations for first 4 models mentioned above. I am still looking for HKY,GTR,F81. Can you help me? I mean I know how to calculate substitution rates (for transitions and transversions) but please help me how to calculate evolutionary distance then?
Thanks Sam :)
Thanks, but I have only student access to those journals and those major papers about models from their authors are paid and it is too expensive for me :D and your link doesn't work for me, don't know why .. just 404. I will send them a request at least for equations.
Thank you. Sam
send me an email if you need help
The link provided by Gabriel works, except that you have to delete the ")" after the link in your address bar.
Good luck with your project!
Nice, thanks I will try to download the package and take a look into the code. Thank you and sorry for my late response, I had a free week so Havent been at home.