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9.7 years ago
It seems that my .012 file never has any 0 entries (homozygous minor) when run on a sample of over 300 vcf files. I'm looking at common variants. What am I doing wrong?
vcftools --gzvcf combined.vcf.gz --maf 0.05 --max-maf 0.5 --hwe 1e-8 --minQ 40 --012 --max-missing 0.95 --chr chr12 --out combined.chr12.common
VCFtools - v0.1.13
(C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted:
--gzvcf combined.vcf.gz
--chr chr12
--maf 0.05
--max-alleles 2
--max-maf 0.5
--hwe 1e-08
--minQ 40
--max-missing 0.95
--out combined.chr12.common
Is this solved? --max-alleles argument not recognized
Nope, although I did figure out that I didn't actually want max-alleles in this particular case. It's still strange that it doesn't seem to work.
Should the vcf files be sorted before running the command given below?
Because am getting an error like this:
I encountered the same problem with a gvcf file called with GATK on haploid genome samples.
I only find “-1” for missing data which makes, sense. However, the 1’s represent both alternate allele and reference allele. The “0” for actual reference alleles are missing.
I can provide more info on whatever may help.