Is there any way to follow a pipeline to analyze bisulfite sequencing data?
I know the alignment is tricky, but I've read some people do it with Bowtie without bisulfite genome conversion but I can't guess how to set the parameters to allow the penalty, as expected, I got 95% unmapped. I've also read about using a peak caller to call methylation "peaks".
Of course this is not the best way to do, but after trying a lot, I'm not able to compile any other software in my computer (windows), I'm bench person. I tried to install bismark, bsmooth... but errors everywhere :(
Thank you for your answer. I agree with your points. I have a mac available, is it installed from the galaxy tool shed?
I don't know of any BSseq tools available in galaxy (I don't know if bismark was ever fully added, but it's the most likely to be in the toolshed). In general, you might have better luck getting that installed on a Mac than windows. Having said that, if you just don't bother with Galaxy at all then installation would be even easier.
Maybe you may get some advice here: https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/