Folowing up on the announcment for release 79 I did my occasional check of the human stats. We see "20,300 (incl 519 readthrough)" but is there any evidence that these read through transcripts are producing read through protein chimeras?
Folowing up on the announcment for release 79 I did my occasional check of the human stats. We see "20,300 (incl 519 readthrough)" but is there any evidence that these read through transcripts are producing read through protein chimeras?
Go to the supporting evidence page for a transcript to find out.
Ah, I finally found an example of this: TUBB3 and MC1R. I haven't checked to see if these are annotated as being read-through in the most recent build, but they should be. BTW, this is a great example of "biology is messy" :)
Edit: BTW, I only new of this due to this thread.
Edit2: Interestingly, this isn't annotated as being read through in the newest build. I suspect this is an over-site, since TUBB3 and MC1R have their own annotations and then there's a separate ID for the fusion gene (though it's also labelled TUBB3).
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Note, the answer is "yes there is evidence of this", but I'm having a heck of a time finding a recent example of this that I saw. I'll continue looking...
So we would expect 519 TrEMBL IDs for the fusion proteins ?
Presumably, but Emily would be the better person to ask.