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9.9 years ago
I want to calculate IC50 for each drug and cell line. The raw data is a lot of fluorescence intensity values (treated/untreated) for each drug and cell line. How to use the raw data to get IC50?
In the paper "Systematic identification of genomic markers of drug sensitivity in cancer cells", It did do it. But I does not fully understand it.
Could anyone tell me how to do it?
This will depend on what the fluorescent values represent. IC50 is a functional dose, so you need a functional metric. In general, one fits the resulting values with a sigmoidal curve (e.g., using the Hill equation) and uses the resulting fit coefficients.
Thanks a lot!
Could you tell me more detailed information? I really know little about it.
For example,like the following data:
It would be so nice of you to tell me more about it.
Not knowing the details of how the experiment is set up I can't go into too many details. In general, to get an IC50 value we want to look at a plot of some sort of functional readout (presumably that's what the fluorescence represents) vs. dose of a compound. The plot generally looks sigmoidal (i.e., sort of S or Z shaped, depending on how things are oriented), with the half-way point between the maximal and minimal values being the IC50. To then empirically derive this value, we fit a curve to the data (e.g., in matlab, or Igor Pro, or R, etc.), ideally using a function where IC50 is one of the curves coefficients. One of my preferred functions is the Hill equation, partly because each parameter has direct biological meaning.
Thanks a lot!
Are you familiar with R? I try to use ic50 package in R.
When I try to use the ic50 package in R, I look at the example in the ic50 package. The code is as the followings:
When I open one of the .txt, there are a lot of values. I guess it is the value of the FI, but I am not sure. Would you know what does the value mean? It represents what?
I'm not familiar with that package, when I was dealing with IC50 and EC50 values it was in a different context (small molecule interaction with ion channels). The files you mentioned seem to represent 384 well plates. According to the documentation, those are results from a plate reader, so presumably they're fluourescence measures of some sort. See the package documentation first for further questions.