Hi everyone,
I have some Illumina MiSeq data (sequenced beginning 2015). The reads are paired-end 2x250 bp. I need to cut 100 bp of the end of each read. Therefore I used fastx-toolkit trimmer using the following code
fastx_trimmer -t 100 -Q33 -i file.fastq -o file_trimmed.fastq
Although the files were sequenced quite recent, I needed to use the Q33 parameter, otherwise fastx_trimmer
was not working.
Now I want to map these data using bwa-mem. I get however the following error message:
[mem_sam_pe] paired reads have different names: "M01441:126:000000000-ADL98:1:1104:10392:3758", "M01441:126:000000000-ADL98:1:1104:23060:3763"
So bwa-mem ended with an error. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to solve it?
I have seqtk installed. Would this work to trim the last 100 bases?
You're saying to process both reads simultaneously ... but how can I do that in seqtk?
I have used the above command on both R1 and R2 .fastq files seperately. BWA-mem now finishes successfully. However GATK is now ending with an error:
Ahh! Sorry, my mistake. I could have sworn that seqtk processed files as pairs, but according to the manual, I don't see any option for that. You can do it with BBDuk, though:
By default, BBDuk will always leave a minimum of 1bp in a read to prevent the above problem. However, you can use the flag
to, for example, throw away all read pairs that end up shorter than 30bp after trimming.And can you also use it in the following situation:
I want to remove the first 4 bases & then keep the next 120?
Yes, in that case:
means trim the leftmost X bases;ftr2=X
means trim the rightmost X bases; andftr=X
means trim all the rightmost bases after position X, 0-based.