I have chip-seq reads of bad quality (dm3) - 29,772,199 reads:
Tried to trim it with fastq_quality_filter (command line fastq_quality_filter -q 20 -p 100 -i infile.fastq -o outfile.fastq) and got only 410,775 reads:
Is that OK? Otherwise, what should I do to these data? I suppose I shouldn't just push it to bowtie for alignment..
From fig it looks the quality of your sequence is not good. Currently u are throwing out most of your data by trimming. 410775 is too little reads to push to bowtie.
First check if you have primers/adapters attached to beginning/end of sequence. If so, remove them. Look at over-represented sequence, take few of those, blat them to genome individually and see what portion of the sequence maps and what doesn't. That should give you idea about primer/adapter sequence.
Or trim the last 5 or 10 nucleotide, and analyze how mapping differs ? compare with different parameters of trimming. You need to play a bit with your data.