Hi, I am new to pacbio and have 2 sets of .h5 files as output from pacbio. I am planning to use celera assembler and for that i need fastq files from .h5 files.
1) Is there any way to convert .h5 to fastq.
2) Is there any specific method to filter pacbio reads based on quality?
3) Do we combine both sets of data and then work on it for assembly?
The quality values are sufficiently low that reads may be artificially trimmed by celera. I've found it's best to just fake fastq from fasta with high enough quality value that reads are retained. The assembly quality needs to be improved later using quiver.
Could you please tell me If bash5tools.py also removes adapter sequences?
I have just used it and got subreads from raw data but I am not sure whether subreads still contains adapter sequences?
You need to post this as another question, also please refer to the manual