I need to the genome data-set which has related epigenetic data-sets, is there such a thing?
Thank you
I need to the genome data-set which has related epigenetic data-sets, is there such a thing?
Thank you
Our paper lists the datasets we used and their locations.
See "Benchmarking Genetically Improved BarraCUDA on Epigenetic Methylation NGS datasets and nVidia GPUs" In Genetic Improvement 2016, (GECCO 2016) workshop, pages 1131-1132, 20-24 July, Denver. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1145/2908961.2931687
The GPUs we used were Tesla K40 and Titan but essentially any newish CUDA graphics card will do _as long as_ it has sufficient memory for the BWA index file. For a complete human reference genome this means more than 6GB (for non-epigentics human DNA data 4GB is enough)
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Have you done any searching? You can find these with google...
Yeah , I have but unfortunately I couldn't find this database,u know ,i need these database along with related dna sequence to make a suitable computational model