I am using the following pipeline for aligning some paired end SOLiD data.
bwa aln -c -n 0.06 -o 2 -t 8 -q 10 ~/genomes/hydra/ACZUJGI/color/hydra ~/hydra/solid/hsamp_F3.fastq.gz > /scratch/hydra/hsamp_F3.sai
bwa aln -c -n 0.06 -o 2 -t 8 -q 10 ~/genomes/hydra/ACZUJGI/color/hydra ~/hydra/solid/hsamp_R3.fastq.gz > /scratch/hydra/hsamp_R3.sai
bwa sampe -P ~/genomes/hydra/ACZUJGI/color/hydra /scratch/hydra/hsamp_F3.sai /scratch/hydra/hsamp_R3.sai ~/hydra/solid/hsamp_F3.fastq.gz ~/hydra/solid/hsamp_R3.fastq.gz | samtools view -bS -|samtools sort - /scratch/hydra/hsamp_solid
On running this I get the following error. Just showing the last few lines from the output here. I only get this error when the -q
parameter is nonzero.
[bwa_paired_sw] 91 out of 33101 Q17 discordant pairs are fixed.
[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] time elapses: 74.36 sec
[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] refine gapped alignments... 1.53 sec
[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] print alignments... [samopen] SAM header is present: 20914 sequences.
Parse error at line 20916: sequence and quality are inconsistent
The error happens at the conversion to bam step in the pipeline. If I look at line 20916, it shows
1_29_54 141 * 0 0 * * 0 0 NNCANGNAANANATCNNCCGGNTANANTTGANTTANNTTN !!@;!9!:?!;!:>>!!8?57!66!7!8=<9!<<9!!-?!!!&!<!!!!! XC:i:40
Thus the read is truncated but the quality line is not. Is there a workaround for this?
Thanks! I thought there may be some switch I am missing or something like that. The solid_trimmer looks useful!