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9.9 years ago
Mohammad Reza Bakhtiarizadeh
I want to compile blastn2snp in jvarkit (https://github.com/lindenb/jvarkit/wiki/BlastnToSnp) with below code:
make blastn2snp
but it gave me an error:
[javac] /home/mrb/NGS/Format-tools/jvarkit/htsjdk-1.128/build.xml:244: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 371 source files to /home/mrb/NGS/Format-tools/jvarkit/htsjdk-1.128/classes
[javac] Compliance level '1.5' is incompatible with source level '1.6'. A compliance level '1.6' or better is required
/home/mrb/NGS/Format-tools/jvarkit/htsjdk-1.128/build.xml:100: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/mrb/NGS/Format-tools/jvarkit/htsjdk-1.128/build.xml:244: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 0 seconds
make: *** [/home/mrb/NGS/Format-tools/jvarkit/htsjdk-1.128/dist/htsjdk-1.128.jar] Error 1
I can not understand what is the problem ( Compliance level '1.5' is incompatible with source level '1.6'. A compliance level '1.6' or better is required). Any help greatly appreciated.
Best wishes
Thanks for the help. but my java version is 1.7. You can see:
Show me the value of
And what's the output of
Thanks so much. I found the problem. The output of
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version
isI see the
and got als
and the results is:How can I handle the problem? which one of these folder has to be JAVA_HOME?
nice you found the problem, as far as I can see JAVA_HOME should be the directory containing bin/javac . For now this is a 'simple' admin issue, you should ask stackoverflow.com if there's still a problem.
Really thanks for the help. My problem is fixed and the software is compiled as simple as possible. blastn2snp works great.
Kind regards