Is anyone aware of some publicly available paired-end Illumina data that is unencumbered by data use agreements so that they could be used in a teaching context?
I would need the data to correspond to a matched tumor/normal sample pair. Ideally sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq platform.
There are of course many, many papers describing analysis of these kinds of data. My own center has many such data sets. But they are all significantly encumbered by data access restrictions that prevent them from being used publicly or disseminated as part of a course/workshop. I need to be able use the data in classes and ideally for the students to be able to access that data later to practice their skills on.
Perhaps a tumor cell line that was sequenced along with an EBV transformed lymphoblastoid 'normal' cell line from the same individual? Or perhaps a patient sample that was consented in very broad terms with the express purpose of making the data publicly available with minimal restrictions on use (including explicit approval for teaching purposes)?
Please feel free to suggest something that doesn't quite meet might my criteria but you think is likely to be the next best thing.
Does anyone know publicly available data (ex: fastq files) for tumor/normal pairs from mice? Thank you in advance!