Hi all,
This is my first time performing NGS alignment. I am using command line tools. What I did so far, was to first use cat to combine all chromosomes of my reference genome. I then indexed the genome with bwa (-a bwtsw). I then de-multiplexed and sorted into separate FASTQ files by barcode using FASTX Toolkit's Barcode Splitter. Next, I used FASTX trimmer to remove 75bp of barcode, primer, and transposon sequence (I am over trimming, but I started with 300 bases). I then aligned with bwa, trying both the mem and samse algorithms. Then, with samtools, I converted to BAM format with the view command, sorted, and indexed. In viewer programs such as Tablet, IGV, and BamView, I either saw no reads/blank or, in the case of Tablet, I saw that it had categorized reads by chromosome, but clicking on a chromosome showed nothing. This is true for the output of both algorithms. Not sure if it is worth noting, but in Tablet, the mismatches column for each chromosome all show a "?". What could go wrong along the way?
Thanks for your help.
I think it may be worth noting that I just found out that I can view the reads if I open the SAM file, but not the BAM file. Maybe something went wrong during the conversion?
It might be helpful to see the actual commands you executed to convert SAM to BAM.
This is the code I used: