I have finished the tophat+cufflinks workflow for both end (cuffdiff and cuffnorm, I use the latest version) like in this webpage: http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/cufflinks/manual/
So, I wonder is there any document/tutoriaal that shows how to process the output of cuffnorm? I know that the output is not compatible with DESeq library in R. So, any suggestion please or I need to reprocess the BAM/SAM file with ht-seq so that I can process with DESeq? Thank you.
What is the goal of your analysis ?
Thank you.
My goal is I want to check for a specific gene, the up/down regulation compare to normal reference. I hope I can get the result in some percentage change, for example, 50% expression value compare to normal or 150% expression value compare to normal, like that.