Recently got humang1kv37.fasta file Just curious if this is hg19 sequence? Because hg19 is also called GRCh37. What does "g1k" mean?
If not, from where can I get the chromosome sequence for humang1kv37.fasta?
Recently got humang1kv37.fasta file Just curious if this is hg19 sequence? Because hg19 is also called GRCh37. What does "g1k" mean?
If not, from where can I get the chromosome sequence for humang1kv37.fasta?
g1k = 1000 genomes
There is a good documentation about 4 commonly used "hg19" references here.
hg19 (ucsc.hg19.fasta, MD5sum: a244d8a32473650b25c6e8e1654387d6)
b37 (Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta, MD5sum: 886ba1559393f75872c1cf459eb57f2d)
GRCh37 (GRCh37.p13.genome.fasta, MD5sum: c140882eb2ea89bc2edfe934d51b66cc)
humanG1Kv37 (human_g1k_v37.fasta, MD5sum: 0ce84c872fc0072a885926823dcd0338)
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It is one version of hg19, but not the only one. From the linked page: "For the phase1 analysis we mapped to GRCh37. Our fasta file which can be found here called human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz, it contains the autosomes, X, Y and MT but no haplotype sequence or EBV"
thanks! so human_g1k_v37 = hg19 ?
human_g1k_v37 is a version of hg19