Hello everyone,
I'm using HMMER in order to compare an alignment of all the 3' slicing sequences of a certain genome against an another very close genome. First I made a profile with hmmbuild and then I used nhmmer and nhmmscan, in the two cases, I didn't get matches but I'm sure that there is some homologies.
Internal pipeline statistics summary:
Query model(s): 1 (23 nodes)
Target sequences: 8 (18238624 residues searched)
Residues passing SSV filter: 6989 (0.000383); expected (0.02)
Residues passing bias filter: 6989 (0.000383); expected (0.02)
Residues passing Vit filter: 0 (0); expected (0.003)
Residues passing Fwd filter: 0 (0); expected (3e-05)
Total number of hits: 0 (0)
I tried to modify the thresholds of the differents filters without success:
Internal pipeline statistics summary:
Query model(s): 1 (23 nodes)
Target sequences: 8 (18238624 residues searched)
Residues passing SSV filter: 20521 (0.00113); expected (0.02)
Residues passing bias filter: 20521 (0.00113); expected (0.02)
Residues passing Vit filter: 256 (1.4e-05); expected (0.005)
Residues passing Fwd filter: 96 (5.26e-06); expected (0.02)
Total number of hits: 0 (0)
Is there something I forgot to do? Thanks in advance!