Hi, I am using two techniques to look for open chromatin FAIRE and H3K27Ac. I would like to send both libraries for Next-gen seq.. However, during initial q-PCR level FAIRE is giving me expected results (opening and closing of enhancer region in control vs treatment) but H3K27Ac ChIP-qPCR is not giving me significant difference for that particular enhance in control vs treatment. I am getting ~ 10 fold increase in signal compare to my Input which suggest that ChIP worked. I am wondering how many time these two techniques were compared for same experimental setting? Anyone?
I don't know how a typical (if there's a typical) H3K27Ac ChIP-Seq pull down looks like. However, FAIRE and ChIP-seq are very different methods. With FAIRE you expect to retain and sequence everything that is not bound by proteins. With ChIP-Seq you sequence what is bound by your antibody (with a lot of hand-waving as these techniques are far from perfect). So I'm not that surprised by your inconsistent results, but I know nothing about your control regions...
Thanks Dariober, my control regions are ChIP negative region for mouse genome (I am using mouse cell lines) and I don't see any enrichment in ChIPed faction for this region however some of the expected enhancers are enriched in ChIP.
Thanks Dariober, my control regions are ChIP negative region for mouse genome (I am using mouse cell lines) and I don't see any enrichment in ChIPed faction for this region however some of the expected enhancers are enriched in ChIP.