I have a problem with the output from bedtools getfasta, it used to work before. My bed-file looks like this -
C1_64090263 131 164 C1_64090263-1:33 V1_87574936:0 - 33 0
And I am using the command -
bedtools getfasta -fi in.fa -bed file.bed -s -name -fo out.fasta
This reference sequence is 200 bases long. But after extraction I get the sequences as follows
Some invalid characters are formed at the end of sequence, and at the end of the file too many sequences have invalid fasta sequences such as -
There is no problem with the reference fasta as seqtk works on it, but the reverse-strand is also crucial for my sequences. This happens to most of the sequences on the reverse-strand,some on the plus strand too.
I tried without the name and strandedness options, and also replaced the 5th column with 0, but still it produces no proper fasta files.
Is there a solution to this problem?
How did you generate your FASTA file? It seems like you might have Unicode characters and/or missing line breaks between sequences and deflines.
The fasta file are contigs from a genome assembly. I extracted them according to their IDs with grep and processed to remove unwanted lines
What output do you get when you run
samtools faidx [genome].fa C1_64090263-1:33
?samtools faidx
will be more sensitive to formatting issues but it's a good suggestion. In fact, I've built some good error messages into pyfaidx that might help you diagnose the issue.I get just the sequence header, no fasta sequence
When I run with just the sequence name, without the cordinates, I can extract the sequence.
But if it's a problem with the genome.fasta reference, why does Seqtk work?