Hello all,
In an effort to avoid RACE-pcr my group is trying to use some sequencing data we have available to discover the sequence of a single gene in a crustacean. We know the sequence of a short 85bp region of this gene. Using the sequencing data we have (~60 million 50bp single end Illumina reads) I performed a standard de novo assembly using Trinity, but as expected (given the single end reads) the assembly was poor, and no contigs matched our gene of interest. I am curious if there is any way to use this known sequence as a partial guide for assembly in attempt to resolve more of the sequence around this region (using Trinity or any other assembler).
I've spent a lot of time (trying) to do this sort of thing with what's out there, and I have to say, none of the programs are necessarily great. Better than these two - TASR is slowwwww / never had particularly good results with the original mapsembler myself (haven't tried v2) - the best I've found has been PRICE. PRICE loops the entire set of input files for every iterative extension, though, so depending on the amount of data you have, it can also take a good while!