I love GNU parallel, except it is quite difficult "for me" to get the right syntax to do stuff.
Here is what I want to do. Filter a bunch of CASAVA-1.8 fastq.gz files using the FASTQ filter developed by Hannon lab at CSHL.
My typical command would be:
gunzip -c SampleName_Barcode_Lane_R1_001.fastq.gz | \
fastq_illumina_filter-Linux-x86_64 -vvN |gzip -9 \
Now using GNU Parallel, here is what I thought would work
parallel gunzip -c SampleName_Barcode_Lane_R1_00{1}.fastq.gz | \
fastq_illumina_filter-Linux-x86_64 -vvN |gzip -9 \
>SampleName_Barcode_Lane_R1_00{1}_filtered.fastq.gz \
::: {1..9}
But this doesnt work.
I have about 20 such files and I wanted to know how to do this.
I also wanted to know how to deal with the naming convention of the file where it goes 001 to 020.
On a similar note, with the new CASAVA-1.8 fastq.gz files, what is the preferred method for mapping when you dont have a cluster. Merge the fastq and run BWA or run BWA on each and then merge?
I assume your typical command is without 'parallel'
changed typical command to start without parallel. Thanks for pointing the error.