I have problem with pdb file when I want to use for docking becuase they have missing segments and it`s neccessary to minimize energy. I know for Chimera, SwissPDB and Modeller. I want to ask you which is better and how to work with it
I have problem with pdb file when I want to use for docking becuase they have missing segments and it`s neccessary to minimize energy. I know for Chimera, SwissPDB and Modeller. I want to ask you which is better and how to work with it
You should use either MODELLER or another homology modelling / loop modelling software. Chimera and SwissPDB (Viewer) are visualisation tools and are not suited for this task. The energy minimisation can also be done with MODELLER (if you provide a complete protein and its sequence). Have a look at the manual and/or the tutorial.
To avoid installing and running it locally, you can use the MODELLER interface on the HHpred website.
Can anyone to tell step by step for add missing segments and minimization throught SwissPDB and Chimera
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Go through this manual: http://www.bioinformatics.bbsrc.ac.uk/training.html#deepview