Dear All,
I am working with BAM files for chip-seq analysis. For each read in the BAM file, I want to extractt the chromosome number, the start position and the stop position and replace that in a new file. Is that possible?
Many thanks!
Dear All,
I am working with BAM files for chip-seq analysis. For each read in the BAM file, I want to extractt the chromosome number, the start position and the stop position and replace that in a new file. Is that possible?
Many thanks!
samtools view bamfile.bam|awk '{print $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $4+length($10)-1}' >
will do the job. The stop position here is the last matching position.
You could also try BEDTools, which can convert your .bam to a .bed, and bed pretty much is a name, a chromosome, a start and a stop position.
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bedtools' bamToBed inspects the CIGAR string when computing the end coordinate, so deletions are properly handled. the example here assumes that only substitutions can occur,
this approach has a minor issue that the length of the sequence does not necessarily agree with the span of the alignment, e.g. indels
Thanks to Farhat, that works fine for me! :)
True. bamToBed would be the proper tool to handle something like this.