TCGA level 3 data contains CNVs given as values -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2. The -2 and +2 correspond possible homozygous deletion or high-level gain, respectively. The cBio portal FAQ says that "-1 is a shallow loss (possibly heterozygous deletion)" and "1 indicates a low-level gain". On the other hand, the cBio portal omits the -1 and 1 CNVs when calculating total alterations in a gene. Are these -1 and 1 values biologically meaningful signs of alterations or should they be omitted?
Thank you for your help already in advance!
I used Firehose to download Gistic2 results. I have Level4 and the tables typically range between
[-1.26300, 4.56500 ]
, I couldn't find any documentation explaining these numbers? i.e. I thought GISTIC ranges between -2 & 2? could you please help?