Hello, I'm taking an undergrad bioinformatics class and we have to identify salt bridges in a specific nucleosome structure (mine is 3WKJ) given to us (from the protein database/pdb file). The class has been given info that: Phosphorus atom has -1 charge, a positive charge lies on NZ atom of LYS and a positive charge lies on NH2 atom of ARG. My professor wants us to find salt bridge interactions less than 7 angstroms. MY TA specified that we need to show "salt bridge interactions/clusters between [ARG, LYS] and the [A, T, G, C]." I've searched the web but I'm unsure how to identify these salt bridges on pymol. It would be great if someone could help me in solving this problem. Thanks.
This looks like an interesting assignment. You will definitely feel like you've accomplished quite a bit and learned PyMOL queries once you get this done. This might be a good primer for you to begin: http://pymol.sourceforge.net/newman/user/S0220commands.html