I am going to retrieve upstream non-coding sequences of some Saccharomyces genes from Ensembl but I do not how I can do it considering I am a beginner in working with data bases, if possible someone help me.
Thank you friends
I am going to retrieve upstream non-coding sequences of some Saccharomyces genes from Ensembl but I do not how I can do it considering I am a beginner in working with data bases, if possible someone help me.
Thank you friends
If you click on Filters you can give Ensembl Geneids of genes you are interested in OR you can download the 2Kb upstream region for all the genes in yeast and further select your genes of interest from the big file. Make sure you select gene name in the header information so that you can use it to select your genes of interest later on. Keep fooling around, I am sure you will get it. This ain't rocket science :-).
PS: Just realised that you have 10 genes in total. Retrieve their ENSEMBL GeneIDs and give it them as an input in the filter section to retrieve sequences for those genes only.
Hey take it easy. It may take a time getting used to the BioMart site. Please follow the instructions below.
I am really thankful for your patient and kindness. In attributes, sequences, I selected flank(gene), 5' UTR Start and 5' UTR End. This link was my result: http://asia.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/8fc2d044ce4f09bd12d4f4a02ee52703
I saw your another post now after getting this result. I will try your tips. Thanks a lot
Good morning Ashutosh
you thought me to search and retrieve gene from Ensembl. I went to http://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/ and did the steps you mentioned, but there are some doubts for me yet, if possible help me again:
You imagine I need to get "the 2000 bp (upstream of the initiating ATG) of, non-coding sequence for my interest genes
In Attributes section-sequences, I should select Flank (Gene) option or 5' UTR?
in header information, gene information and transcript information, which option I should select???
I got confused again because by selecting whichever of these option, result is different and I don know which is my right sequence, I need to predict promoter by NNPP and confirm that by YASS, then retrieving the exact needed sequence is important
Thank you
Depending upon of the actual amount of genes you define with your "some" , you can go through two or more strategies
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Hi all,
How do bioinformaticians actually annotate UTRs? Is there a software available for such application?
The species I am working on (oreochromis niloticus) have GENSCAN annotated reference genome. However, the UTRs were not annotated. I intent to annotate the UTRs myself. Any primers for me to know where should I start?