I have a read where sam flag is 69 (meaning Pair End Read, Unmapped and First in Pair) , Mapping quality is 0 and Cigar string is *
. The sequence is not showed in the viewer (samtool tiview,IGV).
I'm wondering why a read is said unmapped whereas a position is given in the sam file. So the read can be mapped? When I tried to align with blat, I found one unique position (the same as in sam file).
So I don't understand ...Why this read is said unmapped whereas a position is given(chr12 112036669)? How to retrieve/use this read in my bam to display in viewer as a "good sequence"? Why is the read filtered? Because of the mapping quality? and why CIGAR string is set to *
? Can I use it of one way or an another or is it a better idea to let this read stay in "garbage"? Thanks.
Ok so that's meaning the sequence is unmapped for X reasons but the sequence can be still considered as a "good one". If I use another mapper or bwa with different parameters for example, the sequence could be probably set as mapped. The mapping is wrong but the sequence is (probably) good ?
The sequence is simply the sequence. Whether a read maps or not has no bearing on the quality of its sequence.