Hey all, I've recently been introduced to short reads mapping and is planning to try on SHRiMP v2.2.0
Currently I have:-
36bp letter-spaced paired-end short reads from illumina and 16kb reference genome.
I would like to know if:-
SHRiMP allows the input of letter-spaced fastq files or is it just for color-spaced data?
Do we need to build any indexes for SHRimp prior to the alignment? I've seen some seeds option there but I am not too sure on how i should optimise it. Any suggestions there?
I've tried on this command
gmapper-ls -1 read1.fasta -2 read2.fasta reference.fasta -s w12 -E >map.reads.sam 2>map.read.log The SAM output file doesnt seemed to give me any results when I convert it to the VCF file with samtools.
Am I missing out any commands there?
Cheers and thansk in advance!