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9.6 years ago
Exonerate command:
exonerate --model est2genome --showvulgar no --showalignment no --showquerygff no --showtargetgff yes --percent 80 --softmasktarget yes -q transcripts.fasta -t genome.fasta > exonerate.gff
I used command provided by EVM to convert to gff3:
exonerate_gff_to_alignment_gff3.pl exonerate.gff3
Error, line has unexpected format: Chr_01 exonerate:est2genome gene 769406 770204 2591 - . gene_id 1 ; sequence CBOT101-C20 ; gene_orientation + at /home/user/bin/EVM_r2012-06-25/EvmUtils/misc/exonerate_gff_to_alignment_gff3.pl line 57, <$fh> line 31.
There is same error when used with exonerate output file provided as example in EVM.
Welcome to BioStar! Hmm, yes, the error message is a bit cryptic. Two comments: first, I would check to make sure that exonerate ran correctly and had no error messages; second, if indeed there were no errors when you ran exonerate, I would recommend contacting the EVM developer Brian Haas. In my experience he is very responsive, and since this error message is so vague, he may be in a better position to help you.
Hope this helps!