Dear colleagues! I have a file with lots of sequences in FASTA format. I want to write a perl script to analyze each sequence (to count the length of certain fragment). So, how can I manage to treat each sequence as a variable? Should I use an array to read my file?
So, here is my script. It might be not very nice, but it works. I would like to modify it in order to work with FASTA data.
$string_filename = 'file.txt';
open(FILE, $string_filename);
@array = FILE;
close FILE;
foreach $string(@array) {
$R = length $string;
if ( $string =~ /ggc/ ) {
$M = $';
$W = length $M;
if ( $string =~ /atg/ ) {
$K = $`;
$Z = length $K;
$x = $W + $Z - $R;
print " \n\ the distance is the following: \n\n ";
print $x;
} else {
print "\n\ I couldn\'t find the start codone.\n\n";
} else {
print "\n\ I couldn\'t find the binding site.\n\n"; }
I will be grateful for your help :)
Could you also show us an example sequence for which this code works? If the code is supposed to do what I think it is supposed to do, I think there may be quite a few problems with it.
Are you really sure none of to 10000 topics about how to parse file XXX did match your needs?