Hi all ...
I'm using Biopython 3.4.1 with Blast 2.2.29 and I'm trying to get the query coverage of some blast search beside the default report info in tabular format using -outfmt 6
as following :
comline=NcbiblastxCommandline(cmd='blastn',query="A.fasta",db="B.db",evalue=0.001,outfmt='6 qcovs',out="result.txt")
But it throws the following error:
Error: Too many positional arguments (1), the offending value: qcovs
I know it seems a very basic question ,but it's seriously driving me crazy ,since I spent two days trying to figure out the solution for this error and nothing seems to fix it !!
Some threads have addressed this issue and suggested to rewrite the command by hand instead of copying and pasting ... I did rewrite it by hand like thousand times and the error pertains .
Also, I have tried to run it from the Command Prompt cmd and again it threw the same error!!
Is there anyway to get around this problem?
Many thanks in advance
It's really funny how deep searches sometimes leads you to nowhere , while only chance can help you to find the solution !!
I found this by accident Does Ncbitblastncommandline Reads The Outfmt (Options 6, 7, And 10 ) Correctly? and I'm surprisingly mad for wasting 2 days of my life chasing a double quote criminal !!
I hate when the error is that tiny to waste that much time ... it's a terrible feeling.
The only thing that made me laugh is that the one who solved this obstacle is the same one who always answers my questions in this forum ... it's Peter from Scotland ,UK :D
He is truly a life saver ... Is there away I can thank him properly beside Upvoting and accepting his answers?!
I guess just pass it forward - by which I mean help other people when you can. :)
Thank you Peter, you saved me from insanity!