This is not a standard format (BED, BAM, FASTQ etc). Data repositories typically don't enforce the use of a standard format, and this sort of problem happens all the time.
In this case, the meaning of each field entirely depends on the computational methods used in the study. You'll have to read that carefully to figure out what the data format is. Often that doesn't have enough information, so you may have to contact the authors.
Failing that, you have to guess. Chromosome is obvious, but what is the number? If there are millions of lines in the file, that would suggest that they represent reads somehow. Maybe the number is the 5' end of a read. Maybe F/R is forward/reverse? Assuming all those things are true, maybe you could supply some fake seqs and quality scores and CIGAR strings and make sort of a BAM file that you could use.
Another trick for getting an author response is to submit an issue with the data repository. For example, if you contact GEO and indicate the issue, they can independently contact the author to try and get more information.
You might get lucky and be able to find the raw data. A lot of the time I end up re-running the entire analysis from scratch. Annoying, but at least then I know how the results were generated.
Hmm.. what a weird format :/
mfahim, could you try something out for me? Could you try running the following from the command line:
If they come to the same number, that suggests that the Fs and Rs are likely to represent the start and end of ... something.
If they don't, they'll be forward and reverse strand, and each row is 'independent', like SNP data or something.
Ah right, I didn't think about F/R as being paired. That just helps make your point that guessing is almost always a bad move!