I am interested in a genotype dataset on GEO that was obtained using the Illumina Human610-Quad v1.0 BeadChip (GPL8887). Thanks to the R package GEOquery, I can easily retrieve the data in R:
gpl <- getGEO('GPL8887', destdir='.')
head(Table(gpl), n=2)
ID Chr MapInfo SNP_ID
1 200003 9 139026180 200003
2 200006 9 139046223 200006
But what does this mean?
- Does the column SNP_ID correspond to the rs identifier in dbSNP? Apparently no, as rs200003 is not on chr9.
- Does the column MapInfo correspond to the SNP coordinate? If yes, on which version of the human genome reference sequence is it mapped? hg18 or hg19?
I search on the Internet (on Illumina's web site, etc) but couldn't find any information. Any idea?
For info, this platform has 598,821 markers with a "rs" identifier: length(grep("rs", Table(gpl.geno)$SNP_ID))