Hey I am interested to know if this has been sorted out yet? As I am facing the same problem as well.
These are the commands that I used:-
soap index
2bwt-builder ref.fa
soap alignment
soap -a read1.fq -b read2.fq -D ref.index -o map.file -2 unmap.file -m 300 -x 500
Instead of using the map2sam.pl file, I used the soap2sam.pl file
samtools faidx ref.fa
samtools view -bt ref.fai -o read.bam read.sam
samtools sort .bam .sorted
samtools merge merge_read.bam bam1 bam2
samtools mpileup -ugf ref.fa merge_bam |bcftools view -bcvg -> merge_bcf
bcftools view merge_bcf >merge_vcf
This is one of the result from my flagstat file:- (my original file has 364617084 reads)
66478440 + 0 mapped (100%:nan %)
66478440 + 0 paired in sequencing
33239220 +0 read 1
33239220 +0 read 2
0 + 0 properly paired (0.00% :nan%)
66478440 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
0 + 0 singletons (0.00% :nan%)
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)
I'd love to hear some inputs. It seems like all of the mapping distributions for my paired-end test files on SOAP2 are 0% when it comes to being properly paired. Any idea what could go wrong?
Thanks a bunch!
Not being able to call SNPS does not mean that the file is "not working". First collect some information on you bam file. How many reads map correctly etc. Then you would need to show the commands that you are trying to run.
What does "wc -l file.sam" say? This counts the number of lines in your SAM file, which is roughly how many mapped reads you got.
Once you can convert to BAM, the soap2->sam conversion is fine.